Workplace giving can be an easy and efficient way to make tax-deductible donations to charities through payroll contributions. If you work at a large corporation or for the federal government, you may be able to begin giving to Our Daily Bread Ministries through a payroll deduction or a matched gift program.

Workplace giving offers the convenience of automatic payroll deductions without losing the tax benefits of charitable giving. And since many employers often match employee contributions, workplace giving provides the employee with the opportunity to give to nonprofit organizations that reflect their own values. Even small gifts from an employee can make an impact when it is increased by the employer's matching funds.

Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to find out if payroll deductions or matching gifts are possible for you.

If giving through the United Way, you can designate Our Daily Bread Ministries as the recipient of your gift. Be sure to include our mailing address and phone number:
Our Daily Bread Ministries
PO Box 2222
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222