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    When I Couldn’t Feel God

    I glanced across the hall. There were hundreds of people, all from different states across Malaysia, gathered together for the annual convention organized by my church.

    Why We Must Engage Both Mind and Heart

    When I was a much younger Christian, I was taught that feelings were unreliable.

    When (Not) to Follow Your Feelings

    As Christians striving to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, we will encounter instances that require us to battle our flesh. It could be moments where we have to deliberately choose to act against our emotions

    Tears and Laughter

    Last year at a retreat I reconnected with some friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. I laughed with them as we enjoyed the reunion, but I also cried because I knew how much I had missed them.

    On the last day of our time together we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. More smiles and tears! I rejoiced over the grace of God, who had given me eternal life and these beautiful days with my friends. But again I cried as I was sobered by what it had cost Jesus to deliver me from my sin.

    I thought about Ezra and that…

    Breaking free from resentment

    Holding on to anger and bitterness is like ingesting poison and expecting the other person to die. And today on “Discover the Word,” the Institute for Prison Ministries director Karen Swanson and our team share keys that will help us break free from resentment. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    Don’t Walk Away

    In 1986, John Piper nearly quit as minister of a large church. At that time he admitted in his journal: “I am so discouraged. I am so blank. I feel like there are opponents on every hand.” But Piper didn’t walk away, and God used him to lead a thriving ministry that would eventually reach far beyond his church.

    Although success is a word easily misunderstood, we might call John Piper successful. But what if his ministry had never flourished?

    God gave the prophet Jeremiah a direct call. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” God said. “Before you were…

    How do we respond under pressure?

    How do you respond under pressure? Hopefully not like Pontius Pilate. He released Jesus to the Jewish leaders for crucifixion to avoid an uprising. And to appease the emperor, Caesar. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss how we too can respond the wrong way when caught between a rock and a hard place . . . depending on what . . . or Who . . . is our moral compass. A challenging discussion . . . today on “Discover the Word”!

    Enduring the wilderness experience

    Most of us have endured some kind of wilderness experience. And it’s in those times that what’s in our heart gets really tested. Today we welcome special guest, author Sheridan Voysey to the table to begin this week’s discussion called “Resurrection Year.” In difficult times, we may feel like “God has left the building,” especially when our “Why?” questions aren’t getting answered. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    3 Steps to Take When You Face a Problem

    “Why is the bus taking so long to arrive?” “Why didn’t I charge my phone last night?” Have you ever noticed how we can get so bothered by the smallest of problems?

    Poem: Dry Spell

    No forest fires, no burning bushes
    No thorny soil or sharp weapons
    No storms to overcome, no Goliaths
    But in life, there are different kinds of struggles

    The Gift Of Tears

    I called a longtime friend when his mother died. She had been a close friend of my mother, and now both had passed on. As we spoke, our conversation slipped easily into a cycle of emotion—tears of sorrow now that Beth was gone and tears of laughter as we recalled the caring and fun person she had been.

    How to relate to people as individuals

    No two people are exactly alike. And yet, we often deal with people as though everyone is the same. Listen in today as we continue studying Paul’s final letter and his instructions on relating to people as individuals.

    Quenching our spiritual thirst with cool water

    When our mouth is parched and our throat is dry, cool water is the only thing that can quench our thirst. Together let us find the only source of satisfaction when the complexities and confusions of life leave us feeling empty inside.

    How desperation led one man to brave embarrassment and rejection in order to see Jesus

    When we’re out of answers, desperation sets in. And often we’re led to do things we normally wouldn’t even consider!