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Download & Share Our Special Easter WhatsApp Stickers
Make your greetings more colorful and festive by using our special Easter theme stickers!
Discovery Series “Man of Sorrows” by Bill Crowder
Jesus, the Man of Sorrows, comforts us when we are struggling. Rediscover the depth of our Savior’s love, and what it means for us today.
Easter Devotional Videos: Live Out God’s Forgiveness
If we truly accept God’s gift of forgiveness and live in it—what does that look like in our lives? Remind yourself of the reality of His wonderful grace by watching these short videos.
Book Offer “Footprints on Calvary Road” by Sim Kay Tee
What was Jesus’ last week on earth like? Discover anew the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and love for you, as you join Him on His last steps to the cross. Get this print resource with a gift of any amount.
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Our Daily Bread Ministries in Indonesia is supported by the freewill offering of individuals in Indonesia, who through their gifts enable us to continue to bring the life-changing wisdom of the Bible to many here. We are not funded by any church or organisation.