Right around February or March 2015 sitting in our living room with my wife of 42 years, I suddenly felt warm and FILLED with love for her! I shared this feeling with her, and we were both bewildered why. As the days and weeks passed, I reminded her that the “feeling” was still there. We both figured it was from God, but why? It wasn’t uncommon for us share our love for each other. On May 14,2015, we went for a bicycle ride. We live in the country, and were about 50 yards from our house when my wife lost her balance and fell in a grassy ditch. She didn’t seem to be in any pain, so I was relieved. She wasn’t in any pain because she fractured her vertebrae “smashing” her spinal cord, leaving her paralyzed from the chest down! In that instant our lives were changed forever, with no warning. I had no clue what was ahead for us. The surgeon told us he was able to repair the vertebrae, but the spinal chord is “smashed”, not severed or lacerated though. He said in his 25 years of practice, he has never seen a spinal chord smashed this bad come back, but that doesn’t mean it won’t. One night while she was neurological icu, she asked me if was sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life taking care of her like this. I reassured her that I answered that question on our wedding day! Those 4-6 weeks before the accident God “filled” me to the top with love for my high school sweetheart in preparation for what was about to happen. We have received a lot of help and support from our church,family,and friends. Because of God’s abounding Grace, we wake up each morning with joy in our hearts.