![Opportunities Opportunities](https://d1aeh7hxqn8xf9.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Utmost-March-12-2.jpg)
I work at a chain of local pharmacies that plays Christian music and at times provides tracks, ministry announcements, small Gideon bibles & the Our Daily Bread (ODB) booklet. The Lord has given me a lot of open doors of opportunity to minister, share the Gospel, and pray for people at work, when they respond to the music and these materials.
Often times, people come in asking for the ODB and are excited to have one, and are disappointed when there are none available. Many of them use the ODB as their only source of hope, comfort, and encouragement.
I am asking the Lord on how I can use these opportunities to fulfill The Great Commission, to make disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded us. If you have any recommendations, please let me know how I can take these opportunities to the next level of discipleship. I received a request yesterday from someone asking me to teach them how to study the bible, and it has given me an idea to offer, with the ODB booklet, an invitation to pray for them and to learn how to study the bible. I’ll also create an invitation to seek further resources by going to your website and to receive your devotions electronically.
The Lord is definitely using ODB where I work, to reach hundreds, if not thousands of souls in my community!!! Thank you Lord, and thank you Our Daily Bread Ministries for your faithfulness in providing this resource.