I was brought to Miami, Florida in October 1987 at the age of eleven(11).  That was my first knowledgable memory of my biological mother because she had left me and three(3) other siblings-2 brothers and a sister-in Haiti shortly after I was born. I was the youngest until my mother had another son in the US.

Shortly after arriving in America, I fell into the delinquency system by hanging with the wrong crowd. My mother worked very hard to educate all of us despite the fact that she had no education herself. That was part of the reason why my family resented me even more. After many years of going in and out of shelter homes detention centers and state prison, I was finally deported back to Haiti in 1998. Fortunately, I had managed to get my High School Diploma while I was in state school in Okeechobee, Fl.

Throughout  my life’s jorney, there seemed to always be those little white ‘Our Daily Bread’ booklets wherever I ended up and reading them got me more and more interested in knowing God. I will never forget the woman named Jennifer Richardson who was an HRS counselor for me for many years. She was truly a sincere child of God and she never lost patience with me. She even took me into her home and I called her Mom as if I was one of her own children. The first thing she taught me was Psalm 139 (God knows Everything).

Even after being deported I had not really understood God’s purpose for my life until I started losing my mind in early 2000. My family had just about given up on sending me the little support they could and the Haitian society was literally rejecting me because of my American street lifestyle. Mysteriously, I never lost hold of Psalm 139 that Mrs. Richardson had implanted in my mind. When all hope seemed lost and I was on the edge of losing my life, that was when the Lord called me to salvation. I left the city where I was living(Cap-Haitian) to go live with my grand-father in a small community in Milot. There, I turn my life completely over to Christ and slowly started a new life.

521This Encouraged Me

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