My Fourth Day By a former Marine and rock and roll roadie of many years

2005 was the start of my own fourth day.
If you do not know me, then let me tell you how forgiving a God we have.

When I was first baptized in 1966 God forgave a BUNCH of wrongs in my
life. Well, as most young people do, I drifted FAR away from religion of ANY kind!

I admit that several times, when I was worried or afraid of what MAY happen to me, I prayed long and promised the same old stuff you hear about, “God, if you will get me thru this, I PROMISE to”.

BUT, like most, when things were good, I was egotistic enough to believe I DID IT!

At the age of 45, thanks to my wonderful wife, began getting back in touch with God.
However, during that period of my life, I was a “lip service” Christian.

Finally, after years of TV News and Sports sending me around the world , we moved away from the Rat Race and back to a farm where I THOUGHT I found God again.
Unbeknownst to me, God had been steering me where he wanted me all along.
See, once again, I thought something I did was right, and I STILL had to learn, I WAS NOT STEERING this boat.

Well, thru some very good people who invested much time and a LOT of work, they FINALLY wore me down and busted ALL my lame excuses. Lowell and Carolyn Chambers honored me by sponsoring me on something I felt was going to be a waste of time, an Emmaus Walk.

I was still thinking I was fine and, if the Marine Corps boot camp didn’t wear me down, Vietnam hadn’t killed me and several years of rock and roll hadn’t melted my brain, this would be a breeze!
See what happens when you are that arrogant!

I figured this Emmaus thing was a form of Brain washing and the Marines used that for 12 weeks of Boot Camp and combat training and I survived, what could these Emmaus people do in only three days? Well, I forgot one thing again! GOD
Yes, I had forgotten ONCE AGAIN, who was in the drivers seat!!

You see, the Marines only had Drill instructors, these Emmaus instructors had a much better weapon, for I was now running headlong into GOD!!!

Well, I will gladly tell you all that, if God can reach as far down into the sewage as he had to lift me up, he can reach us all, IF WE LET HIM!

The Emmaus walk showed me many things about myself once again, but, this time, when God got hold of me, I now was wanting, able and willing to shut up and listen, I MEAN REALLY LISTEN!!!

My Fourth day is still going strong, and, thanks to many of you here, especially my wife, I MAY someday be a good Christian.
I say someday because:
I still have many faults, as some of you well know
I still make MANY mistakes, at least 10 or 12 before I even wake up
And, I still battle the ego thing constantly
BUT, I am, excuse me, WE (God, and all of you and I )are also making some headway.
God has allowed me to give a few sermons, be a youth director, learn to write and perform Christian songs, and retrain my voice as well as my soul to sing his praises.
See, I want to prove to God that I am worthy of his patience and forgiveness.
I am bound and determined that My fourth day, with help from all of you and The Holy Spirit will continue until my last day.
My thanks go to all of you who never gave up on what should have been a lost cause, and a special thanks to Lowell and Carolyn Chambers, and my wife and to someone else who not only never gave up, but kept a steady hand on a sinking ship, and got me back to shore, the ultimate teachers,

Our Father, God. The Son JESUS and The Holy Spirit.

This time God wanted me to know he was here. This is only one of many things God has done for me since Emmaus, but this was a biggie. God wanted me know quickly that this time he wasn’t fooling around.
Way back in our High School days, Jim Overstake and I developed what can only be described as a hatred toward each other, it continued until God got tired of it. And, now, for 40 some years this never changed, but in 2005, GOD had had ENOUGH of our stupid human tricks and planted us in close confines and went to work. You see, Jim Overstake was a table leader during my walk. Well as we were awaiting candle light, God hit us both on the head with a 2 x 4. As I said we were waiting to go to candle light for it’s special gift when God gave a gift to both Jim and I and, with very few words we stood up, came together in the middle of the room and, well, there stood 2 grown men in front of many and we hugged each other and we apologized to each other thru tears. Jim and I stood there weaping like children! You know what neither of us could even remember what started it, (God gave us both amnesia) Jim and I forgave each other for something neither of us could remember who did what, but, best of all, we were forgiven by God. A wonderful sense of peace washed over me as it did Jim.
Today, Jim Overstake is in great pain and is trying to overcome some enormous medical problems. His illness required the Dr during several operations to remove ALL of his organs several times. After these operations the Dr’s place all of his organs back but the wound is still open until the organs make their own way back in place. He is now home recuperating – the wound is still open and Jim is in a extreme pain. His wife has to change the dressings daily while they wait for this to all heal.
Jim and Kay are active members in Emmaus having both been table leaders and helpful in many other ways to many.

As I end this little insight into what God has done in my live, I am going to be a bit selfish and ask that we have a now moment of silence and a huge prayer of healing for a very brave man with a very big heart and a remarkable wife, Jim and Kay Overstake. Please bow your heads and help me ask for God’s healing hand any of those we know in need and a special prayer for Jim and Kay and a their family.
Jim has since passed and a lot has changed in this country since then, but, one thing is still there, if you don’t know what that is, you better find a good Christian friend to help you find your own path, or, just stop thinking you are the one in charge and LISTEN TO GOD!

Father, we come to you today knowing there are many in need of your touch today.. We are in a world that seems to have lost it’s way. Many of the leaders of today are trying to remove you from this country in the misguided form of political correctness. From school to our money, your guiding light they try to dim.
Help us to remember that only you can save us. Only you have the power of salvation.
Let us be slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.

Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest gift is love.

Dear God, let us always remember that we DON’T know why people do some of the things they do that annoy us and remind us that we ALSO make mistakes each and everyday and that you FORGIVE us, if we ask!

God, help us to ALWAYS remember, not only do we not know the answers, we don’t even know the questions, you know both.
If we refuse to show love and forgiveness toward others that you may have ALREADY forgiven, then we show that we also don’t even know you.

May everyday present us with new challenges in our human lives, great understanding in our spiritual life, great patience towards those we know, and great kindness towards those we don’t.
May we show respect towards all those who earn it, may we have empathy, not contempt for those who don’t.
May we always remember that Jesus willingly gave his life for us and may we honor that sacrifice by our faith in you.
May we also remember that many brave men and women today stand in front of us in defending our country and we can honor that by showing our gratefulness to them. Remind us that we can support our heros even if we don’ agree with the war.
I would ask that your healing hand reach down and help Jim and Kay through this time of their suffering. If it be your will, place your healing hand on Jim and his family.

We would also ask that you steady our own personal lives that others can see your grace through our lives and that each of us be an example for others
May each day bring us each individually closer to you and may we remember, if we have God as our guide and mentor, who could do better?
May all those gathered here be blessed with your continued love this year and beyond. May the peace and love that can only come from you go through us and reach others that they may also find your grace.
Guard us guide us and help us to guide those lost souls back to your saving embrace.
These things I ask in Jesus name

Thank you and may God bless you all

410This Encouraged Me

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