I am overjoyed and overwhelmed by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done in my life. I was a drug addict, lusted after the world, committing crimes on a daily basis and was in and out of jail for over ten years. Seven years ago I ended up in a cell alone, confused, empty and desperate.

For the first time I opened a Bible, and the Lord spoke to me in Jeremiah 33:3. As I started to read the Bible I couldn’t stop crying and I fell in love with Jesus. I was facing 25 to life and yet the Lord had set me free. I was released after serving 17 months.

It has been a hard walk and He has taught me to grow in different areas of my life, but I have submitted to do His will. Today I volunteer in jails and I also speak on the radio. The Lord restored my relationship with my children and after spending 10 years without them, they are all saved and for the glory of God, one of them is getting baptized.

As I started my walk with the Lord in jail, Our Daily Bread was a great part of my walk. When I came out it kept on leading me to my daily scriptures and walk with the Lord.

1025This Encouraged Me

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