My husband and I have been in different areas of ministry for 50 years.  First as youth pastors, associate pastors, and senior pastors.  After pastoring for many years, in 1989 we were invited to go to the Philippines to attend a Bible school graduation and at that graduation is when God spoke to my husband and I and ask if we were willing to give our lives to the Philippines and out answer was yes.  We went back and told our congregation what God had ask us and after a short time we resigned the church but not knowing exactly when we were supposed to go to the Philippines, so we just waited and in 1991 a pastor friend of ours ask my husband if he would come to Anaheim, CA and help him build a new church.  We moved there and spent the next two years with Dan being the foreman of the project, and at the same time praying for the timing to go to the Philippines.  At the end of the building project, God said it was time so in 1993 we starting preparing to go and in March of 1993 we was ready to go.  We spent 21 years training pastors and church leaders and helping building and finishing church buildings.  Then in 2004 my husband begin to have physical problems and it seemed he got okay but then he continued to have physical problems to the point that we finally came back home and went to the Doctor to find out he had kidney failure and without dialysis he would only live for one month.  We finally had to turn the ministry over to someone else because my husband was no longer able to function as he should.  Now we are home wondering why in the world this happened when we still had a lot to give and we have finally had to settle in our minds, that God has everything in control and he has a plan for us and that we have to just sit tight and be patient and learn from this experience and when we are called out again in whatever God’s plan is for us, we will be much stronger and will have gained more wisdom to move forward.  It is one of the most difficult times in our lives and at times seems God has forgotten us, but at the same time we have to remember the scripture that says, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

415This Encouraged Me

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