When I first joined Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA in 1973, I attended Sunday School with my two kids, David who was age 5 and Linda who was age 2. I did not know anything about the bible. I learned quickly from my teacher, Mrs. Annie B. Mahone. She had taught the adult ladies class for years and loved every minute of it.. She was my inspiration. She took it upon herself to mail out our church bulletins to the sick and shut in of our church at her own expense. As fate would have it, she became ill and found that because of poor circulation in her legs, she had to make some decisions. She would either have to live with the pain or have both her legs amputated. The pain was horrific so she allowed them to be amputated. When I found out she was in rehab, I went to see her preparing myself for the worse. Now this woman was 85 years old when this happened so I didn’t know what to expect. She was calm and confident and so rooted in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that she put everyone around her at ease. No tears, no frowns just praising the Lord for his goodness. Wow! what a testimony. once she came home, I decided to ask her if she wanted to continue sending out the bulletins. She said yes so every Wednesday or Thursday I go over to her house and we sit and get the bulletins ready to be mailed out. Mrs. Mahone has learned how to get in and out of bed, go to the bathroom and even walk a little on her stubbies. Her son and daughter-in-law each take turns staying with her at night. She is a wonderful person who has not let her disability dampen her spirits for life. She is now 90 years old and doing fine. People need to know that with God’s help, anything is possible.

646This Encouraged Me

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