Those were His words to James, those were His words to John, and those have been His words to me for some time now. Oh how I wish I would have had the courage to drop my nets and follow Jesus immediately. Today I am taking that step. Jesus wants me, all of us, to be fishers of men. I have experienced so many divine moments in the past two years and Jesus has called me to share them with you!

In 2014, I was diagnosed with cancer and this year, by the very hand of God, I became a survivor. I know the sole reason I am with you a while longer is to share my journey. I will be writing to you frequently and I pray you will look for me here.

After I was diagnosed, I plunged into a deep depression. I could only see the worst of possible things to come. The day we recieved the news, I immediately began to pray and I immediately knew that I was again turning to God in a dark, desperate hour, as I have done many times before. Why had I not prayed as ferverntly for others… why had I not sought God during joyful times? I felt ashamed and not worthy of His help now. This was heavy on my heart but not His. I called and He came and sat with me on the darkest of days. I was home alone and lay in my bed overcome with fear. And then my miracle happened. I knew I was in His very presence. I shut my eyes tight, reached out my hand, and touched His cloak.

I will save the rest of this moment to share with you soon. It is not quite what you may be thinking. I am eager to share this, and so many other moments with you! Love and peace to you all!

629This Encouraged Me

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