I was driving in my car and listening to the radio when an unfamiliar song started to play. In my head I thought the next words I would hear were going to be ‘Finder’s Keeper’s’. They weren’t but the phrase stuck in my head. I started thinking about how they apply to our relationship with God. It raised the question, do we find God or does God find us and keep us? I know it is not a new theme but I felt that God’s Holy Spirit wanted me to investigate it.
When I have something important to think about I pray for God to lead me through His word. I always search for a reference in the Old and New Testaments. I say a little prayer and let my fingers do the walking by opening up the page my hand touches, trusting God to lead me where He wants me to go. On this day I was lead to Deuteronomy 22:1-4 in the Old Testament and Acts 9: 3-18 in the New Testament.
The first passage speaks of if we find an animal or anything that does not belong to us, return it, or keep it safe until it can be returned to the rightful owner. As Christians it is important to follow God’s Laws and set a good example. This is important but is this all God wanted me to know?
Then I read in the New Testament, the Book of Acts 9: 3- 18 about Jesus finding Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul was as unlikely a candidate to become a Christian as anyone. He felt his mission in life was to find any followers of Jesus and arrest them or murder them.
But God had another plan. He chose Saul, who after his conversion, also became known as Paul. This speaks to me of the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Do you know people whom you pray for but who keep rejecting God and his love? Don’t give up! If God was able to find a hater like Saul and make him one of His most powerful Apostles , God’s promise holds true when you pray for someone.
I have hope for my many family members or acquaintances that I pray will find God; that once God finds us, He keeps us.

565This Encouraged Me

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