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Ann’s story

My name is Ann Ferguson and I became a Christian in November 1982, four weeks after moving back to live with my dad in Dunfermline. I never realized as I gave my heart to Jesus that night and got prayed over how my life would change and surprisingly not always for the best.

I started to attend our local church of Scotland church in Abbeyview, Dunfermline and enjoyed the Sunday services. At first I attended the morning service only and then eventually as God led me to the evening service.

The minister’s wife worked at the faith mission bookshop in Dunfermline and got me a job as a volunteer there two days a week. I loved it and eventually, because I was unemployed at the time started to work more hours there.

In the church I started attending the women’s guild and helping with the Sunday school. I also helped with the cleaning rota of the church and occasionally with the teas and coffees on a Sunday.

When we had children’s missions I would be helping as well.

Unknown to me my body couldn’t take the toll of all the physical activities I was undertaking and in June of 1984 I think, not sure of exact date, I took to my bed with depression and ended up in Strathedene hospital near Cupar, Fife which is about 40 miles away.

I was in hospital for at least a fortnight. I couldn’t function at all. I remember thinking that I had let God down and he was angry with me!!!!!!!

I started to read a romance story I had with me and then eventually managed to start reading my bible again.

I had no idea what was going on and was very frightened.
I was afraid of the nurses and doctors and was not willing to trust them at that time. The only person I truly trusted was Jesus!!!!!!!

Whilst in the hospital I attended the morning services on the Sunday morning. Interestingly the first sermon I have never been to remember but the second was a breath of fresh air to me.

The minister told us the story of the woman with the blood disorder that touched Jesus and Jairus’s daughter. Somehow I knew God was talking to me and giving me hope for my healing.

After lunch I went for a walk on the border of the hospital and sat in a cornfield. I had with me my St Ninian’s newsletter and my bible. The passage was, wait for it, Jairus’s daughter again and about healing.

After I got home from hospital I shared this with my minister. He didn’t say anything and neither did I because at that time I wasn’t able to ask questions as I had so much fear in me.

It has only been after much Christian counselling, prayer, healing and deliverance that I am able to share my healing.

God is good and has been with me through all my life only I didn’t realise that at the time.

My Daily Bread notes have been a blessing to me over the years and when I have had bouts of depression I used to just read the notes without reading my bible and I got some comfort from them. Thank you for Daily Bread notes and may they be an inspiration to us all as we continually walk daily with the Lord Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Ann Ferguson

409This Encouraged Me

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