"Always be kind, no matter what"

“Always be kind, no matter what”

Today’s reading: Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

I used to always wonder why my neighbor takes up two parking spaces on our block. Aaliyah always had to park in front of her house. So it didn’t matter to her if she took up two parking spaces. Aaliyah has a small car, so I didn’t understand why she never left space for another car to park. If she received a space when she arrived home from work, she would always park super close to the car behind her. I was debating whether to say something to her about it, but I declined. Instead, I decided to let her witness my actions. Actions speak louder than words. I live in Philadelphia, PA and recently we had an ice storm. It was so bad that it took two hours or more to dig ourselves out of our respective parking spots. Another neighbor helped me to dig my car out of my spot. Aaliyah was outside around the same time we were. I decided after my car was out, to help her. Needless to say, Aaliyah, was so grateful. To this day, she no longer takes up two parking spaces. I learned that day, that a little kindness goes a very long way.

Thank you Father God that it is all about you and never about us!

449This Encouraged Me

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