In the beginning, We try to understand what we see, Life! We are taught by the people who raise us. In theory, we adjust to our circumstances, in reality, we dont understand and we question many things that we encounter in our journey. I as a child, was raised in a Catholic upbringing and I experienced the Greatness of God at an early age, however, not knowing the world and it’s agenda’s, I focused on what I had to do regarding my life on this planet. During my UP’s and Down’s of life I always knew God was around, and I felt His Love when I focused on him, But when I continued to persist on my self, I would loose that feeling! Not knowing just existing and wondering. Through my battles with addiction and bondage to many bad habits, I always had God on the back burner knowing He was there, but I insisted on doing things my way! Frank Sinatra had song with “My Way” but I quickly learned the truth about how much Our God really loves us. It took me 55 years to understand this amazing Love. God has removed my addictions, and has set me free! No more bondage! No more confusion, what is ironic, All this time, I knew, what I had to do, in a blink of the eye, I moved God from the back burner to the front and First obligation, expressing my Love for Him in a very personal manner! Wow! God really comes to your Life! When you make Him your partner! I am excited about my Love Story with God! The Best is yet to Come! Love is the key! God is Love!

683This Encouraged Me

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