A dream that translated my hope to assurance

A dream that translated my hope to assurance

May 21, 2016
I had a dream of myself entering an extremely gorgeous room, similar to England’s Victorian classic style, such as that in the titanic ship movie where everything looks majestic. Perhaps more mesmerizing than that. The more I was at awe when I saw the staircase and climbed up with a “tour guide”. I didn’t see the face but there was someone taking me to our goal. Then we reached my room and the person with me made a deep sigh and smiled as if saying “Atlast we are here”. And i also made my deep sigh signalling to mean “Atlast I can rest now and enjoy real peace.” When I woke up and thought of the dream, I had sudden goosebumps . Maybe God showed me my room in heaven. The same day in the afternoon, i opened “our daily bread” May 21 devotion of the day and it teaches about God’s dwelling place. It just amazes me how God communicates with us in a special way and makes us feel everything is prepared in this life after.

587This Encouraged Me

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