As a discharge planner for almost 5 years in the re-entry department in a large maximum correctional facility, a good portion of my work day includes the filing of disability and medical benefits for offenders that suffer from mental health and medical disabilities before they release back to the community. Through God’s power He has given me the strength to work with some of the roughest individuals and to see me through each situation I encounter. I look into their eyes and see human emotion exhibited flowing to the top as we visit and build trust with each other. It is an important part of the visit to listen, acknowledge and offer the gifts I can give especially myself. I have had many tell me or send me a note of thanks for being there as someone who cared, This work can appear to be uncomfortable for some, but with God, nothing is impossible or uncomfortable, as this is God’s mission field and He has called me. Each day as I enter this facility, I whisper a prayer that I may make a difference in a life of one of His children.
God calls us to go in the direction that He has for us and to the mission field that He has set up to use our gifts and talents for His service. It may be uncomfortable and we do not understand, but God knows and will show Himself if we trust as we take this journey through life. We may not know the final location on this earth, but His final place for us is one with many rooms

God lead us in your direction and show us your path each day so that we may glorify your name in all we say and do so others will follow the path of Jesus. Amen

405This Encouraged Me

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