Stay Close To God

Over the past few months, we have been receiving what seems like an unending stream of bad news. At times, we have felt overwhelmed, burdened and maybe even depressed. Many of us might have forgotten that we are in fact in the period of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Good Friday!

In this article, we have a timely reminder from the Emeritus Bishop Robert Solomon not to allow a virus to divert our attention, like the way Peter took his eyes off Jesus to regard the frightening waves—and began to sink (Matthew 14:29-30). We need to turn our thoughts to the Lord Jesus Christ, for Lent is a season that particularly remembers His sufferings, death and resurrection.

In times of sufferings and difficulties, we often turn to the book of Psalms for solace and guidance. One familiar favourite is Psalm 46 – click here for a 7-day devotion by Professor Scott Duvall to remind us who God is and what His promises are.

Now, more than ever before, we are reading and re-reading Psalm 91 as we face COVID-19 daily. Dr. Ajith Fernando, bible teacher and author of many books, provides us here a clear insight and a deeper understanding of God’s protection for His people.

In the midst of fear and uncertainty, we have hope and certainty. Christ came, Christ died, and Christ is risen! Over the next 8 days, let’s journey with Jesus through His last week on earth, from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the cross . . . and to the empty tomb. Includes questions for personal reflection or small group discussion to help us respond biblically to the COVID-19 situation. Read Now!

In addition, we have many other resources relating to Lent and Easter. May these help you to stay CONNECTED to God and with others.