MY Prayer is Powerful | Our Daily Bread Ministries

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual exercises for a believer. Jesus, the Son of God and Lord of all things, spent whole nights in prayer while He lived on earth. Prayer is powerful because God commands us to do it, and it is a way of daily communicating with Him. The resources below will help you cultivate a consistent prayer life and a heart for prayer in accordance with His word.

Let’s Pray

Let’s Pray

As much as we want to talk to God, sometimes it’s difficult to find words that express the emotions of our hearts. In this excerpt from his book Praying the Prayers of the Bible, author James Banks shares prayers from biblical characters to show us how we can use God’s own Word to talk to Him through every season of life. We are reminded that “He wants to bless us and draw us near with love that gives life to our souls,” and we’re encouraged to approach God just as we are with our praises and petitions.

Pray First

Pray First

We all know people who need a relationship with Jesus. But we may secretly doubt that it will ever happen. Never underestimate the importance of our prayers in reaching those far from God. In Pray First! you’ll find specific ways to pray as well as encouragement to continue to pray on behalf of others.


Jesus’ Blueprint for Prayer

Communicating with God is as important to your spiritual well-being as breathing is to your physical life. Discover how you can develop and maintain a meaningful prayer life with Haddon Robinson’s practical and insightful study of “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6. Get a better understanding and a new perspective of one of the most beloved passages of the New Testament.

Praying With Confidence

Praying With Confidence

Having a conversation with God can sometimes be a struggle, especially when you feel that He has let you down. Find out how you can get past the disappointment and regain your confidence in God, as author David Egner shares five basic principles of prayer. Discover how you can renew your sense of joy and trust in God when you use His Word as the basis for your prayer.


Teach Us To Pray

Draw closer to God by deepening your understanding of what Jesus taught about prayer and putting it into practice in your own prayer life.