Rights and Permissions | Our Daily Bread Ministries

Rights and Permissions


Please contact the Rights and Permissions Department if you would like to use an excerpt or copyrighted material from Our Daily Bread Ministries or Our Daily Bread Publishing. Our Daily Bread Publishing includes the management of world rights for the Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd. and Day of Discovery for the following rights but not limited to:

In order to inquire about permission to reprint copyrighted material, you must contact us in writing (by e-mail or by letter). Your letter must include:


In order to inquire about permission to secure subsidiary or translation rights, you must contact us in writing (by e-mail or by letter). Please contact the Rights and Permissions Department with questions about:

Direct your written inquiry to:

Permissions Department
Our Daily Bread Ministries/Our Daily Bread Publishing
P.O. Box 3566
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
616-957-5741 fax