Ihave a friend who talks to animals, plants, and even inanimate things with so much love and delight. Amused, I asked her what inspires her to converse with things that can’t talk back to her. She said, “I feel like I’m a mother to all the world. I want to take care of every single thing, nourishing it and helping it be fully itself.”

My friend reminded me of Eve. Even before she had Cain, Abel and Seth, Adam gave her the name (Genesis 3:20). Eve means “Mother of all the living.” Eve was recognized as a mother not only to her human offspring but to all the world. This tells us that according to the Bible, motherhood is more than the state that women reach after they have given birth.

In fact, anyone can be a mother irrespective of their gender, age and whether they have children. We often think of motherhood as a female role. But there was a mother before Eve: The One who birthed the world, provided for it and helped it grow. The first mother was God Himself. It was in God’s image that Eve – and each one of us – was made (Genesis 1:27). This means God is our model for motherhood.

But out of that pain, Sheryl saw an opportunity from the Lord. Even though she could not have children of her own, she decided to shift her focus, and invest her time and energy in mentoring me and some other girls instead. And she did so in life-impacting, fun ways that a woman with children may not have had the time or energy for.

Here are 3 of many ways that God models motherhood for us.

1. God Builds Us A Home.

Every year, during our holidays, when we go to my parents-in-law’s house, we see a bulbul couple in various seasons of their life. In August last year, we saw them scouting the plants in hanging pots to find a suitable place to nest. By the time we left, we saw little bits of straw, twigs and plastic near a pot which told us that the bulbuls had started building their nest. When their chicks were yet to come, they created a home for them.

In Genesis 1, we see God creating the world. Day by day the earth takes its shape. He makes light, water, trees, seasons, fish, birds and animals to create an ecosystem where His children could thrive. On the sixth day, after all other creation had been completed, God breathed life into mankind (Genesis 2).

Just as He did then, God is mindful of our needs and creates homes for us today as well. He provides food, clothes and shelter (Matthew 6:26-30). Every day, He gives us what we need. Further, it’s not just in this world that He prepares a home for us. In John 14, Jesus tells His disciples that He was returning to His Father’s house. “I am going to prepare a place for you,” He says (John 14:2). And once He has done so, He promises, “I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3). Jesus is building a nest for us in heaven.

As followers of Jesus, we too can build safe spaces for those around us and be mindful of their needs. We can open our homes to, clothe, feed and quench the thirst of those around us. We can also work towards making the world a better and safer place for those who come after us.x

2. God Gives Us Life.

Before my nephew was born, all of us were buzzing with excitement about how he’d look and who he’d grow up to be like. We were thrilled when we saw that when he was born, he already had features of the family: Lips like his father, cheeks like his mom, forehead like his grandpa.

Genesis 1:26 records that God had a similar desire to bring people into the world who look and act like Him. He said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.” He created man and woman, breathed life into them and blessed them (Genesis 1:27-28; 2:7).

God continues to create us individually. The Psalmist says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). In Deuteronomy 32:18, God reminds us that He is our father and also our mother who gives us birth.

What’s even more fascinating is God gives us birth twice! The second birth is what Jesus was referring to in His conversation with Nicodemus. Jesus said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” (John 3:3). Confused Nicodemus asked how: “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb” (John 3:4). Jesus clarified, “No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit” (John 3:5). Our second birth is possible because Jesus went through the agony of the cross and delivered us into a new and eternal life (John 16:21-22; 3:16).

Jesus is the giver of life (John 10:10; 14:6). We cannot give life the way God does. But we can take God’s love to people and bring people to the life-giving presence of God. We can be the vessel that God uses to bring His life to others (2 Timothy 2:21).

3. God Protects Us.

I’m scared of dogs. But when I was a child, our neighbor had a German shepherd that I grew to love. It was the kindest, gentlest dog I have ever known. Yet, there was one time when I saw it get aggressive. It barked and growled and kept people away from one room in the house. Seeing that I was afraid again, my neighbor explained that their dog was behaving that way to protect her babies.

This is what I remember when I read Hosea 13:8. God compares Himself to a mama bear that is looking for her cubs. It’s a fierce image of how God protects us, His children. God fights for us. He carries us when we cannot walk and holds our hand as He leads us (Hosea 11:3-4). We never have to be afraid because God is always with us (Isaiah 41:10).

After modelling this for us, God asks us to be protectors of others as well. He says that what he wants is for us “to loose the chains of injustice and… set the oppressed free” (Isaiah 58:6) and “to look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). This is the kind of faith that God accepts. If there are people who are vulnerable or dependent on us, God expects that we will protect and provide for them as He protects us.

A Mother Like God

As we look around at God’s creation, we may wonder why He created us amidst it. Genesis 1 tells us the reason. God created mankind “so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground” (Genesis 1:26). God wants us to rule, but with the same love, and gentleness that He demonstrates. Whether it’s a kind word to a person who is discouraged, guidance to someone who is lost, or the willingness to meet people’s physical needs, God shows us all how to be mothers. As caretakers of His creation, let’s care for each other and the world just as He cares for us.

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