As we journey through this part of our lives and wait it out during the lockdown, most of us experience anxiety and worry. It’s a time like never before and it’s not something that we could have prepared for or even imagined. However, fortunately for us, we are the children on an unchanging God and as long as we stay connected to Him, and stay rooted in our faith in Him, we can face anything that comes our way. In these ‘Discovery Series’  downloadable booklets, written by Our Daily Bread authors and qualified counsellors, discover biblical wisdom to help you stay connected to and have trust in Him who is our refuge and our fortress.

Finding Peace In A Troubled World 

Just knowing that Jesus would soon be gone was an overwhelming thought for the disciples. But in the midst of their fear, Jesus promised to give them peace. Bill Crowder reminds us that this same peace is available to us today because of the death and resurrection of Christ. Discover God’s peace that comforts your heart and calms your soul, even in a troubled world.


Anchors In The Storm – Truths That Hold Us Steady

Where can you find stability when the winds and waves of life are raging? In this booklet, author Joe Stowell shares the truths of 1 Corinthians 10:13 and Romans 8:28 as key elements in holding you steady through the storms of life. Find out how you can have confidence in knowing that God will keep you secure during the stormy seasons and fulfill His purpose for good in your life.


It’s Not Fair – Trusting God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

Stresses in life can lead you to the point of walking away from your faith, especially when it appears that those who don’t trust God are prospering. Focusing on Psalm 73, Bill Crowder examines Asaph’s story of pain, tears, loss and disappointment. He shows how you can restore your confidence in God and trust Him by focusing on His goodness rather than your circumstances.


After The Hurricane – A Biblical View Of Calamity

Every disaster is a call to action for Christians—an opportunity to share Christ.  This booklet written by Ajith Fernando, in response to the death and devastation following the tsunami of South Asia, is pertinent today as we globally suffer the effects of the Corona virus.  It offers encouragement to those who are struggling as a result of a calamity and provides biblical principles to guide those who are reaching out to help.


Why? – Seeing God In Our Pain

We normally think of pain and suffering as bad, and we do our best to avoid them. But since they are inevitable parts of life, maybe we should adjust our thinking. Instead of grumbling about our problems or blaming someone else, let’s look to the Bible to see how God uses our trials to draw us closer to Him. Discover the root causes of our pain and suffering and see Him more clearly as a God who really does care.


When Fear Seems Overwhelming – Finding Courage and Hope

In a world filled with danger and uncertainty, one thing is sure—you cannot escape fear. However, understanding where fear comes from can help you push your way through to the other side of challenges. Join counselor Tim Jackson as he takes you on a journey beyond your fear to discover courage and hope in God. Gain a better understanding of the source of fear, its affects on your life, and how you can overcome it.


When Tragedy Strikes – Finding Security In A Vulnerable World

What do you do in the wake of devastation? Where do you turn for safety? How do you deal with the shock, pain, fear, and anger that overwhelm you? Find hope and a sense of security in the pages of this booklet, as counselor Tim Jackson shows you how to survive and even grow in the face of violence, disaster, and tragedy.


When The Going Gets Tough – Finding Hope and Joy In Our Trials

How can you survive the ride through the ups and downs of life? In this booklet, author Joe Stowell shares wisdom from James 1:2 to help you gain understanding and healing in the midst of trials. Find out how you can build your faith with a new perspective on the hope and joy God gives to bring you through when the going gets tough.


Out Of The Ashes – God’s Presence In Job’s Pain

During hardship and trouble, tough questions often arise: Where is God? How do I respond to difficulties? Is God both good and all-powerful? In this booklet by Bill Crowder, you’ll explore Job’s struggle with the problem of suffering. Through Job’s story, discover how you can trust God despite unanswered questions and gain a fresh perspective on the cross as God’s answer to suffering.


Navigating The Storms Of Life

Although it would be nice to believe otherwise, problems and trials are an inevitable part of life. In this booklet, author Gary Inrig encourages you to fix your compass on God as your constant reference point in navigating the storms of life. Discover how you can stay on course and weather the storm when His Word becomes the active tool for directing your life.