I’m glad when a philanthropist builds an orphanage for homeless children. I’m thrilled when that person gives even more and adopts one of them. Most orphans would be delighted merely to have a patron. But then to learn the sponsor isn’t content merely to help me but also wants me. How must that feel?

If you’re a child of God you already know, because it’s happened to you. We couldn’t complain if God had merely loved us enough to send His Son that we might “not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). It would be enough for us. But not for God. He “sent his Son . . . to redeem” us, not as an end in itself, but “that we might receive adoption to sonship” (Galatians 4:4–5).

The apostle Paul refers to us as “sons” because in his day it was common for sons to inherit their father’s wealth. His point is that now everyone who puts their faith in Jesus, whether man or woman, becomes a “son” of God with equal and full rights of inheritance (v. 7).

God does not merely want to save you. He wants you. He has adopted you into His family, given you His name (Revelation 3:12), and proudly calls you His child. You could not possibly be loved more, or by anyone more important. You aren’t merely blessed by God. You are the child of God. Your Father loves you.

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God Is Love - Reflection on the Character of God

God Is Love - Reflection on the Character of God

Love can mean different things to different people depending on their situation. That’s why Oswald Chambers reminds us to turn to Scripture to find the only true, pure form of love there is—God’s love. His love is perfect and powerful, holy and healing. We can’t even begin to comprehend it apart from His Word. God Is Love leads you to a place of understanding how God is love and how He demonstrates His love to us in amazing ways.

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Grace Accepting - God’s Gift to You

Grace Accepting - God’s Gift to You

Ephesians 2 uses the phrase “dead in your sins.” But what does that really mean? Dead means lifeless, powerless, inanimate. It means we were incapable of doing anything to change our situation. But God is loving and merciful, and He chose to give us new life. That’s the beauty of His grace—we’ve done nothing to deserve it. He simply gives it to us. And once we’re alive in Him, He gives us the privilege of walking in this new life and serving Him.

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One of Us - Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

One of Us - Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

Jesus coming to earth is more than the story of a baby in a manger. It is God’s intimate pursuit to have a deeper connection with His creation. In One of Us you’ll learn that God took on skin in the person of Jesus and became one of us so that we might know who God is and also come to know the meaning of our lives.

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First Steps For New Believers

If you’ve become a Christian recently or if you want to go back to the ABC’s of the Christian faith, here's help - the digital version of the 'First Steps' devotional from Our Daily Bread! Discover or revisit the fundamentals!

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What's My Purpose? | John 12:27

Why do you exist? What’s your purpose? These questions have been asked countless times. But the answer may be simpler than we think. Paula Faris provides insights from her journey and encourages you to take the next step on your own journey.

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Discover the Word

Discover the Word

In Christ

Dr. Con Campbell joins Mart and Bill at the table for a 2 week journey through the Apostle Paul's New Testament letter to the first centruy church in Ephesus. Con, a New Testament scholar and professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the Chicago area, explores with the group how "union with Christ" changed everything for the Ephesians, and it changes everything for us today.

Discover the Word

Discover the Word

Zacchaeus - Comfort for the Oppressor

Without the assurance of forgiveness, feelings of guilt and regret can weigh you down. In this booklet, Mart De Haan helps you discover how God’s forgiveness can lift the burden of guilt and shame to give you freedom and peace to move forward in life. Gain a better understanding of God’s love and mercy, as you explore the elements of His forgiveness.