Ephesians 4:26-27 encourages believers not to let anger linger but to address it promptly: “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” This passage emphasizes the need to resolve conflicts and not let anger fester. Like a wound that gets infected and then causes us more and more pain, our anger especially when it is not addressed with the wisdom of God’s word can cause much harm. It can lead to the break-up of friendships, marriages, parent child relationships and much more. In these next few days as you walk with God we hope that these devotional readings will be the guidance that you need to address this silent “cancer” that festers in our soul. By following these teachings, we hope that you will be able to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness, understanding and patience as you interact with others.


| Day 1: Anger Danger

We all feel helpless and cut off at times. It may seem that not even God can hear or answer our cries for help. This was the psalmist David’s fear in a time of trouble: “I am cut off from Your sight!” Yet he discovered that the Lord had not forgotten him and was able to rejoice: “You heard my cry for mercy when I called to You for help”.



| Day 2: Anger Management

A college pastor called William was invited to preach in a city church. The service lasted 2 1/2 hours. When it was finally over, Williams was exhausted and asked the pastor, “How do you get these people to stay in church so long?”



| Day 3: Taming Anger

When my husband and I visited the Everest Base Camp the closest viewpoint of Mt.Everest, I expected to see some spectacular sights. Yet for 2 days the mountain remained shrouded in clouds. So instead of taking pictures, I bought postcards.



| Day 4: Worry & Anger

Crosses remind people of Jesus Christ. I was made aware of this when a businessman, seeing a small gold cross on the lapel of my jacket, asked me, “Why are you a believer in Christ?” I was glad for the opportunity to share my faith with him.



| Day 5: Chill or Kill

Sometimes we are overwhelmed by life. The crushing waves of disappointment, endless debt, job loss, or trouble with people can cause hopelessness, depression, or despair. It happened Jesus’ first followers. It has happened to me.



| Day 6: Angry Like Jesus

Sometimes we are overwhelmed by life. The crushing waves of disappointment, endless debt, job loss, or trouble with people can cause hopelessness, depression, or despair. It happened Jesus’ first followers. It has happened to me.



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