‘My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.’ – James 1: 2-4.

According to James, the testing of our faith makes us stronger, better, more complete people. But simply knowing this doesn’t make the testing period easy. The only way we can survive the test is to hold on to God more firmly than ever so we can draw from Him the strength and the wisdom we need to emerge victorious. Find resources here that can help you grow your faith and stay calm in the storm, knowing that we are never alone.

The Promises of God – Taking God at His Word

Time and time again in the Bible we see where God is faithful to His promises. They are the heart of the Bible and actually reveal His good, merciful, and trustworthy character. Explore both His conditional and unconditional promises, and know that His promises are perfect even when we don’t completely understand them. In The Promises of God, you’ll see how God is faithful to His promises, how He fulfills them, and how we can understand them.


Going the Distance – Practices to Strengthen Your Faith

Have you ever wondered why Scripture compares running to faith? They both require consistency and discipline to complete the journey. Join Our Daily Bread author Lisa Samra as she explores spiritual disciplines rooted in biblical truth. Learn how applying these practices to your life impacts your run towards the ultimate goal—becoming more like Jesus.

Moving Mountains – The Practice of Persistent Prayer

The Bible says a lot about the need for persistence and faith in prayer, and that God hears and answers prayers even to the point of moving mountains. But when your prayers aren’t answered based on what you hoped for, it can make you question whether or not you had enough faith. Moving Mountains reminds you that prayer isn’t about the amount of faith you have; it’s a matter of whether or not you believe God can do what you ask Him to do.


Hope – Choosing Faith Instead of Fear

Even the most dedicated follower of Christ is likely to experience moments or seasons of hopelessness. No less a figure than the apostle Paul wrote about being burdened to the point of despairing even of life itself (2 corinthians 1:8). Yet Paul explained that this happened for a good purpose—so that he would learn to rely on God rather than on himself (v. 9).


Overcome Worry – Turning Fear into Faith

Worry can either bring us to the Father in heaven, or it can drive us away from Him. The challenge is how we choose to deal with it. Overcoming Worry shares Joanie Yoder’s intense struggle with fear and worry, and how she realized that total dependence on God – not self-sufficiency – brought her out of darkness. Author David Egner also offers a biblical and practical perspective on how we can put our worries to work for us, rather than allow them to consume us. He spells out how we can actively trust God with the unknown and experience the beauty of His peace.


Ruth and Hannah – Learning to Walk By Faith

Uncertainty in not knowing what lies ahead can be frustrating. In this study, author Alice Mathews explores the stories of two women in the Bible whose circumstances led them on a journey of faith. Discover how you can move forward by faith and experience God’s peace in the midst of difficult times when you allow Him to lead the way.


God at the Center – Habits for Spiritual Goal

God has called us to a joyful and victorious life in Him. While there’s no formula that delivers the ultimate faith-filled life, He has given us ways to daily strengthen our faith. Activities like talking with Him in prayer, reading the Bible, and serving Him and others lead us one step at a time into a deeper relationship. In God at the Center: Habits for Spiritual Growth, Luis Palau outlines clear steps we can take to build the fundamentals of faith to spiritual maturity.


Let’s Pray – Talking to God with the Words of the Bible

As much as we want to talk to God, sometimes it’s difficult to find words that express the emotions of our hearts. In this excerpt from his book Praying the Prayers of the Bible, author James Banks shares prayers from biblical characters to show us how we can use God’s own Word to talk to Him through every season of life. We are reminded that “He wants to bless us and draw us near with love that gives life to our souls,” and we’re encouraged to approach God just as we are with our praises and petitions.


In His Presence – Spending Time with God

Sometimes the hectic demands on your day can crowd out your time with God. Find out how you can develop a regular time of Bible reading and prayer, as author Dennis Fisher offers a practical guide to help you keep your appointments with God. You’ll gain a fresh perspective on your quiet time as an opportunity to reconnect with the God of grace who is waiting to spend time with you.