MARK 15:25-39

Crucifixion was a very barbaric form of death invented by the Romans for slaves and those who rebelled against the Roman authorities. Thousands of criminals were crucified on the cross, and this sight would have been familiar to many in the first century. When Jesus invited His disciples to take up their crosses and follow Him, the imagery must have been shocking to them. Apart from the gruesome imagery, many Jews would have been offended by the cross. According to Deuteronomy 21:23, anyone put to death on a tree was under God’s curse. In addition, it would have been an abhorrent notion to die hanging naked on the cross, for many viewed public nakedness to be shameful.

It was therefore unsurprising that many mocked Jesus when He was dying on the cross. Those who passed by, the religious leaders, and the thieves next to Jesus threw sarcastic comments at Him (Mark 15:29–32). The religious leaders even went to the extent of declaring that they had no other king but Caesar (John 19:15). Who would have believed that this was God’s only Son, so helpless and powerless on the cross, dying for the sins of the world? Yet, there was an unlikely person who witnessed all the mocking and suffering of Jesus. Ironically, it was a Gentile centurion at the foot of the cross who grasped the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus and uttered, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” (Mark 15:39). This Gentile had found salvation in Jesus.

The cross remains repulsive today. In many parts of Asia where Christianity is a minority religion, believers are persecuted and churches are attacked. Some churches cannot even erect a cross on their buildings. What about us? What do we see when we look at the cross? May we be like the Gentile centurion, who saw Jesus, the Son of God, and believed in Him.


  1. Jesus was crucified on the cross and died for humanity to redeem us from the bondage of sin. What does the death of Jesus mean to you?
  2. The religious leaders declared that they had no other king but Caesar. Likewise, we can at times be swayed by circumstances and tempted to shift our allegiance from our Lord to the Caesars in our life. Have we traded the King of Kings for other Caesars in our lives, like material possessions and wealth, career and honour, and status and position?


Almighty God, we remember how Jesus our Lord surrendered into the hands of sinners and suffered death on the cross. Help us to follow His example of humility and obedience, that we may deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him daily. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, dedicated in 335 CE. This church is built over the sites believed to be the hill of crucifixion and the tomb of Christ.

The Chapel of the Franks in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, commemorating the site where the crucifixion of Jesus is believed to have taken place. The entrance below leads to Calvary.

A beautiful mosaic wall painting in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre depicting the crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus.