The COVID-19 is spreading in Australia and people are getting more anxious, as recently witnessed by the toilet paper frenzy in our supermarkets. Some people were filmed fighting in the aisles, and on more than one occasion police had to be called in. Others just took as much as they could, without thought or care for those who missed out.
It could be that fear of the virus and the behavioural response to that fear (fighting in the shops and hoarding groceries) are worse than the effects of the virus itself—for most people.
When my husband spoke to an elderly friend to see if he was all right, he said he was more worried about getting injured or sick looking for toilet paper in the supermarket than he was catching the virus.
Nevertheless, we all have different life experiences and these produce different responses within us. Some people will be anxious about how the virus will affect them. Maybe they have a pre-existing medical condition which makes them more susceptible to the effects of the virus. Or perhaps they are emotionally exhausted from battling drought for the past few years, and are wearied by the struggle to survive. Or maybe they were affected by the recent bushfire crisis, which destroyed so much. Or the floods.
Plus we are emotionally attached to things around us – our family and friends, our possessions, our jobs – and when events impact them, we are affected too.
We can’t escape the fact we live in a broken world, a world which is unpredictable. And we can’t control what happens to us. Australia is still in recovery mode from the bushfire crisis.
So when we are feeling anxious, fearful or panicky, how can we overcome these reactions to experience the peace of God which surpasses all understanding? How can God’s voice become louder than our anxieties? How can we rest on the promises of God’s presence and help?
As much as we are able, let us take our eyes off ourselves and our fears, and fix them firmly on our heavenly Father, for He has said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God” (Phil. 4:6, emphasis added). And, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). How far are you willing to trust this promise?
Father, You know my fears and afflictions.
Help me to fix my eyes on You, the Maker of heaven and earth,
And rest in Your promises of help and comfort, and the precious presence of your Son.
-Jayni M.
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