India has been on lockdown for more than a month now. For some, it is so much time of their lives wasted. But for us who are God’s people, we know that under God’s rule, nothing is wasted. Not even our mistakes! Now as we face another round of the lockdown, let me remind you of the many things we can do. Things that we will look back upon in years to come with thankfulness. Here are 6 things of the many we could do:



Prayer is possible even when we are locked up in prison. Prayer can change the course of a nation (Jer. 26:19) and we have the example of Daniel (Dan. 9:3-21). The lockdown period is the perfect time to give 30 minutes each day to prayer.

·        Pray for those Closest to You.
·        Pray for Others that you have a burden for.
·        Pray for those who are Very Sick.
·        Pray for those Important people in the frontline of this pandemic.
·        Above all, pray that we will be like Christ’s Disciples in our home.

Besides praying alone, you can pray with others. Use the technology available and connect!



People are suffering financially. If you know about such a need, you ought to help. Some of us are blessed with financial resources. Others are blessed because you have a habit of saving up for the rainy days. This is a time for us to do what Luke 3:11 tells us that “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise”.

Recently, I re-established contact with a former colleague of mine. Prompted by the Lord, I sent him a cash gift through digital banking. He wrote back a week later to share that he had not been well and previously could not afford to see the doctor. However, with the cash gift, he could now visit the doctor and obtain medication. The joy of sharing is indeed one great blessing God has given.



People need the presence and support of others. This is more so during the lockdown period. Social distancing may prevent us from meeting physically, but we have digital technology that allows us to stay close in spirit.

Through phone calls and video conferencing, distances are bridged. I have found that WhatsApp allows me to write short messages to encourage others. Already a few have written: “Let’s meet regularly after the lockdown. I need an older brother in Christ to walk with me”.

We are also now able to catch up with old friends with whom we have previously said we wanted to reconnect with. Now we could. Corona allows us the opportunity to be “quick to listen, slow to speak” (James 1:19).



Cease looking at the clock to hasten each day to past. Seize upon this opportunity to do some serious reflection. With no need to rush off to work each day, you can give more time to meditate on Bible passages during your daily devotional time.

God’s Word will surely help you evaluate your relationship with Him and as you do so, it will help you think about your relationships with others. Staying at home will turn the spotlight on the status of your relationship with your wife and your children. Isn’t it time for us to do as Ephesians 4:32 tells us to do, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”



I have found that people do not mind me praying for them in their hours of need, even when they do not believe in God.  When things are out of control, is it not an opportunity for us to point to the One who is still on His throne?

Indeed, it is a great time to tell people about God’s goodness to us. So that some will also know that “The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him” (Nahum 1:7).

What a good time for us to show that our hope is not on earthly uncertainties but on eternal certainties. In church history, we learn that many more people turn to God in times of adversities than in times of prosperity.



Yes, godliness is the highest. Yet we are told that “bodily training is of some value” (1 Timothy 4:8). If I say that I want to serve more, I realise that fitness is important. So, I have decided that I am going to take advantage of the lockdown months to return some fitness to my aging and heavy body. So many days of walking, with each day walking more than 5,000 steps. Days of careful eating because we are cooking food at home.

One month of “huffing and puffing” has gone by quickly. Now I am walking faster though I am still “huffing and puffing”. Believing that if the Lord should give me strength to live till I’m 80 years old, I will not be restricted by my indiscipline to stay fit.

As we wait through this lockdown, let’s just think of all the things we can do that will help us live our lives to the fullest. To honor and glorify God who gave us this life to live.