Prayers for the Lonely

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” (Matthew 6: 9-13)

Self-isolate. Quarantine. Social distance. These once-foreign phrases have become commonplace over the last few months. All around the world, there are people who are missing out on human interaction. They are still distanced from friends and family, working separately at home, bubbled into a very small or nonexistent community, and feeling more alone than ever. Perhaps you are one of them. Or maybe you just feel lonely for other reasons. Either way, as Christians we can take heart; we are never truly alone.

Let’s think for a moment about the way Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. He began, “Our Father . . .” Our. Instantly, there is a connection; not only with the Father Himself, but with every other follower of Christ all over the world throughout all ages. Those of us who call God our Father are part of the biggest family on earth; even though we are not together.

When you are feeling alone, join your voice to the multitudes of your brothers and sisters around the globe who are lifting up a cry to “Our Father”. You may feel isolated; but you are not alone.

~ prayers ~

Our compassionate heavenly Father, from the beginning of time You said that it was not good for us to be alone. We need company and community. But I am more alone than ever during this time. I pray for everyone who is feeling lonely, isolated and vulnerable, who feel the strain of this extraordinary solitude. Please be especially near to them. Please be near to me. May we feel Your presence and know that we are not alone. Put all of us who are alone on the hearts of Your people who can reach out in love. Please give me special grace to flourish In unexpected ways. And may I know You better at the end of this isolating season. Amen.

My loving Father The normal rhythms of community, life and love are becoming a distant, even painful, memory. It is hard to feel part of a community, to feel valued, loved and thought of when I have so little real interaction. Please may I know Your comforting presence and Your peace that surpasses how I feel and what I understand. Be my true Companion and Guide. Resound the truth again in my broken heart that I am loved. I am not forgotten. I am not forsaken. I am the treasured child of the King. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit within me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Good and faithful Father, when we miss our families, our children and our grandchildren; when it has been days without a real conversation; when the return to normal life seems to be taking backwards steps, fill us again with the joy of Your presence. Be my hiding-place, my strong tower and my unshakable refuge. When the silence is deafening, may Your gentle whisper speak Your love into my heart. Plant my feet on the Rock of Christ who always holds me steady in the storms of life and who is God with me, right now even until the end of the age. In His name, Amen.


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