For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

As you watch the Olympic Games, are you rooting for your favorite athletes to win? Cheer when they win gold medals? When they don’t perform well—does it disappoint you? Competing in the Olympics is tough. The intense competition faced by the athletes means that they must face failures and setbacks. Many sports careers are short-lived; and after being eliminated in the Olympics, athletes may fade from the spotlight while still having to cope with pressure from public opinion and media scrutiny. Failures and setbacks are not exclusive to athletes though; everyone encounters them in life.

Against all odds, Indonesian women’s doubles badminton players, Greysia Polii and her partner, Apriyani Rahayu, won Indonesia’s first Olympic gold medal in the women’s doubles at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Before this glorious achievement however, Greysia Polii had faced numerous setbacks and negative feedback on her journey to success.

Greysia began her badminton career in 2003 and was soon regarded as a rising star in Indonesia. But she faced a critical setback when she suffered her worst injury just months before the 2012 London Olympics during the qualifiers. She was then 25 years old, considered the prime age for badminton players. She managed to recover in time to make it to the Games! Unfortunately, following a ruling by the organizers, Greysia and seven other women’s doubles players became disqualified from the Games, marking it the lowest point in her career. During this time, she faced intense criticism and blame, leading many to believe that her career was over. She nearly gave up altogether then.

At this lowest point, Greysia received encouragement from God: ‘Keep moving forward because your career isn’t over yet.’ Inspired by these words, she trained relentlessly, and her ranking gradually climbed. By 2016, she was ranked second in the world in women’s doubles and competed at the Rio Olympics as a veteran. At that time, she thought it would be her final Olympic appearance, yet she failed to reach the semifinals. Once again, she contemplated retirement. 

Five years later, encouraged by her coach and family, she entered the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Unexpectedly, she reached the finals and won the doubles gold medal with her teammate. Overwhelmed with joy, she and her partner knelt on the ground for a long time, shedding tears of joy, unable to contain their emotions. Additionally, Greysia became the oldest badminton player in history to win an Olympic gold medal.

For Greysia Polii, success isn’t just about winning gold medals; it’s about inspiring others. Her dream is to teach young athletes the importance of a positive attitude and character, which she considers more important than winning. Greysia reflected, ‘My failures taught me a lot and brought me closer to God. He used these experiences to prepare me to be a blessing to others.’

In our life, we will encounter failures and setbacks, but God is almighty and eternal, and He will not fail, nor will His work fail. At the Olympics, people from different races and nationalities come together in a global celebration. One day, “every nation, tribe, people, and language” will gather before Christ’s throne to worship and declare, ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ (Revelation 7:9-10)

Reflection: Am I willing to join God’s mission today, building myself and others according to His truth? Will I humbly rely on God in times of weakness and failure to learn from my failures and to live my life more like Him?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I am inspired by the perseverance of athletes, and I am willing to run my life’s race well without giving up. May You give me the strength and perseverance to focus on the pursuit of eternal blessings, and to make known the Way of life, so that I may boast on the day of Christ that I have not run in vain. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Photos provided by Greysia Polii.
Adapted from original article by ODBM HK:

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