When I attended a pastors’ conference many years ago, I experienced the refreshing impact of many believers in Jesus using their spiritual gifts. The host pastor used his teaching gift to edify and instruct the hundreds of people in attendance. But scores of other people—some visible, others behind the scenes—utilized gifts of hospitality, generosity, serving through leading music, prayer, administration, and other abilities to encourage those who’d gathered. Children, youth, young adults, and seniors all worked together—joyfully assisting wherever they were needed. Because many people were available to serve, much grace was shared.

Channels of God’s grace. What a helpful way to view spiritual gifts! God dispenses His grace “in its various forms” in the church and in the world through our gifts. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).

Among other New Testament verses about spiritual gifts (see Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:27-31), Peter’s contribution (1 Peter 4:10-11) is like a “Spiritual Gifts 101” course. It’s concise, clear, and basic. God, the Gift-Giver, apportions gifts as He wills. Members of the church, Christ’s body, are the gift recipients who also become grace conduits. 

God’s grace is so varied, vast, and abundant that He uses many channels and a variety of gifts to help us grow and mature in Jesus. May we use the gifts we’ve been given to honor Him and serve each other! 

Arthur Jackson, Our Daily Bread author

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Our Daily Bread Ministries in Indonesia is supported by the freewill offering of individuals in Indonesia, who through their gifts enable us to continue to bring the life-changing wisdom of the Bible to many here. We are not funded by any church or organisation.