PSALM 130:4
You offer forgiveness.


M ark’s hand shook as he maneuvered his touchpad, scrolling through his online history. The page seemed endless. It contained several years’ worth of every date and time he’d logged in to an online gambling site. “God already helped me overcome my addiction,” Mark said, “and I know He’s forgiven me. But when I stumbled upon my computer history that day, the enormity of my past sin distressed me. There it was, all my deceit and recklessness, recorded.”

“That day helped me appreciate anew God’s forgiveness,” Mark said. “Where would I be if He’d held that online record against me?”

Mark echoed what David said in Psalm 130:3: “LORD, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive?” God knows the depths of our sinfulness. This is why He sent His Son, Jesus, to die and be raised to life on our behalf. With Christ, we have “redemption” (V. 7). The word redemption here comes from the Hebrew word padah, which means “to ransom”—to pay the necessary price so that someone can be freed from punishment. This is what Jesus’ death accomplished for us. And as we walk with Him today in newness of life, He promises us forgiveness for the sins we still commit whenever we turn to Him in repentance (PSALM 130:4; 1 JOHN 1:9).

Mark deleted his online history that day. In a similar way, God’s forgiveness has forever erased the record of our sins.


How might doubts regarding God’s forgiveness be holding you back in your relationship with Him? How can Psalm 130 reassure you?

Dear God, where would I be without Your love and mercy? Thank You for the indescribable gift of Your forgiveness through Your Son’s death and resurrection.


1 From the depths of despair, O L ORD, I call for your help.

2 Hear my cry, O LORD. Pay attention to my prayer.

3 LORD, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O LORD, could ever survive?

4 But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.

5 I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word.

6 I long for the LORD more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.

7 O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the L there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows.

8 He himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin.


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