Read: Mark 8:36   What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions: How does God manage to listen to all the prayers of all the people praying to Him? How does He keep up with all the prayers directed to Him? How can He respond to all of them at the same time? Does He have assistants to help Him? Would God ever use an email address?

Even if God had an email address, I believe the way He answers prayers would remain the same. He would answer some emails immediately, but take His time to answer others, sometimes even years later. It is not that He does not care or is unaware of the situation, but He will answer in line with His larger purposes.

We can learn from God.

Would God ever use an email address?

We live today in a communication-saturated world—mobile phones, emails, instant messaging systems, and the like. All this is fine, as far as efficient communication goes. But are we really connected where it matters? We may be connected to the world, but not as well to God and to our own inner selves.

We are increasingly subject to what we call the “tyranny of the urgent.” The emails flood in unceasingly demanding urgent attention and immediate response. As a result, the important things are left undone. Emails can distract us from our larger purposes and our more important tasks, such as our relationship with God and family members.

Another phenomenon arises from the ease of copying emails to as many people as possible. Often, one is forced to be party to what in effect is a private conversation, Why this electronic exhibitionism? Also, we receive many other forms of unwanted emails—spam mail. In fact, a large chunk of our emails are of such nature. They rob us of our time and energy.

It is time to stop in our tracks, even just for a moment, and to examine our ways. As Haggai the prophet said to the Jewish exiles who got so little for putting in so much: “Give careful thought to your ways” (Haggai 1:5).

We must learn to fast from emails from time to time.

We must learn to fast from emails from time to time. How about resisting the temptation to read and respond to emails on Sundays, in keeping with the spirit of the Sabbath? When you go on holiday breaks, leave your emails behind. Limit the time you set aside to work on your emails each day and avoid constantly checking your emails (unless, of course, this is your main work). It is difficult but we must break free from this addiction.

It is a wise thing to learn from God himself. How does He answer all the prayers that are directed at Him? I am sure He receives a lot of “spam mail” too. He answers some, delays answering others, and possibly remains silent on others—at His own pace, and in line with His bigger and more eternal purposes. And in His own unique incarnational way, He prefers face-to-face relational encounters.

Our technological tools and toys, useful as they are, have a knack for constantly interrupting our lives and robbing us of our true journey. To adapt the Lord’s teaching to our high-tech world: What does it profit a man if he is connected to the whole world, but loses his own soul? (Mark 8:36). Let us say “no” to the hurried, distracted, addicted, interrupted, and wasted life.


Consider this:

What is your response to the adaptation of Mark 8:36—What does it profit a man if he is connected to the whole world, but loses his own soul? How would you give careful thought to your ways (Haggai 1:5)?


Excerpt and adapted from Following Jesus in a Fallen World by Robert M. Solomon. © 2009 by Robert M. Solomon. Used by permission of Armour Publishing. All rights reserved.


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