Read: Genesis 2:18-25

“He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it.” (Ephesians 5:28-29)

Why are we so stubbornly neglectful at times about the relationship that can bring us the most happiness?

It’s no secret that outside of our fellowship with God, the most vital connection we have with anyone is the one we share with our spouse. Yet how often do we treat that relationship with the attention it needs?

When God ordained marriage in the Garden, He offered us a remarkable relationship. When nurtured, it brings happiness, peace, fulfillment, purpose, and growth. The irony of this close connection between two people, though, is that when it is not nurtured, it can bring frustration, pain, sorrow, anger, and bitterness. That’s why I wonder why we are so stubbornly neglectful about this vital relationship.

On certain days throughout the year, we are expected to show special attention to the one we love. On those days we find it easy to demonstrate the qualities that brighten a marriage. But shouldn’t we do this every day?

Shouldn’t we love, honor, cherish, communicate, forgive, respect, and guard this relationship all the time? We will if we want to experience the joy God intended for us in our marriage.

-Dave Branon

“A marriage that’s neglected
Brings pain and bitterness;
But one that’s daily nurtured
Brings peace and happiness.”
– Owen

The bonds of matrimony aren’t worth much unless the interest is kept up.