When I was a young teen, Clyde was a north star for me. He was, in fact, the star of his college basketball team (and I played hoops too). But he was much more than that. The way he talked, the way he acted, the way he treated others truly inspired me. Clyde radiated the love and ways of Christ.

As I think about Clyde, I’m reminded of what a mature and growing faith in Jesus looks like. Peter presented a clear picture of spiritual maturity for all of us in his second epistle:

  1. IT’S BASED IN JESUS. A person who possesses mature faith realizes it’s God’s “divine power” and “promises” that help us live in a way that honors Him (2 Peter 1:3-4). His Spirit provides what we need to shine for Him like a star in the dark night (Philippians 2:15; see also John 3:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 1:22-23)—drawing us to humbly walk with Christ and to overflow with gratitude for all He’s done.
  2. IT’S REVEALED IN HOW WE LIVE. As Jesus grows our faith, it becomes apparent in how we talk, act, and in all we are (2 Peter 1:5-9). It’s reflected in a growing belief in God and His ways (v. 5), but also in our possessing Christlike character, persevering through trials (v. 6), walking with God in obedience, loving Him and others (v. 7), and winsomely sharing our faith.

In time, much like how Clyde affected me, our growing faith can help others shine for Jesus too. And as He helps us grow in spiritual maturity, we’ll radiate His rays ever brighter. We’ll look more and more like Christ—our true North Star.

Tom Felten, Our Daily Bread author

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