Our Thanks to You

“My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” —Isaiah 55:11

Thank you for joining hands with us to share the life-changing wisdom of God’s Word with children and seminary students living in the remote areas of Indonesia. Your support plays an important role in helping them draw closer to God.

We really appreciate your support for the 500 Libraries Project. All of the resources have been distributed to 450 children’s libraries and 50 libraries in theological seminaries. Everybody is happy, and our hearts sing with joy.


Take a look at the bright faces of these children, as their little hands flip through the pages of the books. Children from North Sumatra have gathered at the Talim Baru SADA KATA Library. The comic on Esther and children devotional Give Us This Day: Our Daily Bread for Families and Kids have caught their attention. We saw the same excitement at HADASA learning house in Nabire, Papua. Look at how the three children (see picture on the right), of different ages, seem absorbed in their respective books—comic on Ruth, Give Us This Day devotional, and other books.

Perpustakaan yang sedang dalam proses pengerjaan

“The church is still stocking up the library with our resources, but it doesn’t stop the children from enjoying the books that will be displayed later when this library finally opens.” —Juriarto Andolo, GPPS HILAROS, Gotong Rorong village, East Kalimantan.

The children are happy to learn about God through the characters in the comics and their adventures. They are also comforted by words of encouragement and hope. The books help them to learn more about God and are useful for their education. Books are like windows to the world, and have the power to transform lives.

Perpustakaan SADA KATA Talim Baru dan PAUD Hosana Buton Utara Sulawesi Utara

“We can’t wait for our library to be stocked up with more books. The only bookstore in the area is very far away.” This may be what the children at PAUD “HOSANA” Buton Utara–Sulawesi Utara may want to tell us. Or “Even if there is such a store nearby, we cannot decide whether to spend our money to buy books or buy rice.” Children from Home Study “Hadasa”, Nabire, Papua may want to say it too.


Thank you for partnering with ODB Indonesia to print and distribute these books to the children. Your donation has helped them gain access to these precious books that have renewed their hopes.

The whole wide world that they could previously only imagine, now feels closer. The remoteness of the villages and treacherous routes cannot hinder your love from reaching them.

Please join us in praying for the children that these books will serve as gateways for them to get to know the great Author of the greatest book of all time and age—Jesus Christ. For in time, these books will rot and deteriorate, but only those who know Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour will have everlasting life with Him.