• Ministry > ODB Indonesia

    Speaking to Encourage

    Abraham Lincoln tops the polls as the most popular US president of all time. His troubled presidency came at the culmination of a lifelong struggle with depression, a nervous breakdown, and neighbors who were known to set suicide watches over him in his youth.

    So how did he do it? The night he was assassinated, Lincoln’s pockets were stuffed with newspaper…

    Selfless Service

    Anita glanced at the bags of unopened food in the cafeteria, and then at the only other volunteer available to help me host a breakfast event for eighty people. Time was short. Sensing our need, she smiled as she offered her assistance.

    As we mixed batter and flipped pancakes, I learned Anita was providing in-home care for her mother who had…

    Living Free

    A believer in Jesus experiences ongoing tension between living by the Spirit and giving in to selfish desires. There are only two ways to resolve this issue. The first is to die and be with God. The second is to give up the struggle and give in to the flesh. This is the option we must avoid!

    Our battle against the…

    The Church: God’s People and Possession

    When we hear the word church, it’s common to have an image of a physical structure. From what we read in Scripture, however, we’re compelled to think “people” over “place,” “believers” instead of “buildings.” Indeed, the Greek word ekklesia (translated “church”) means “assembly,” and in most cases in the New Testament it refers to a gathering of believers in Jesus in…

    Called to Make an Impact

    Aryanto Wijaya

    Have you ever imagined what it would be like if God had granted you time to live for more than seven decades?

    Maybe, you would have imagined leading a quiet life at home with your spouse or your beloved pets, then going off to see your children and grandchildren during school breaks for a heartwarming family reunion. Even though old…

    Family Matters

    Family can be both a source of joy and hardship. This month we will focus on the gift of family and how to love them—spouse, children, parents, siblings, extended members—well.

    Celebration in His Presence

    What does it mean to celebrate God’s good gifts? This month we will look at what it means to celebrate God’s provision of forgiveness, salvation, and more.

    Wild Generosity

    For more than a year, sixty-nine-year-old Brenda Jones waited on the donor list for a new liver. As the calendar inched forward, she worried that her transplant might not occur in time. When Brenda received news that she was next in line for one, however, she was elated. But then she learned of another woman, only twenty-three, who was clinging…

    Revealed Through Creation

    In the 1901 hymn, “This is My Father’s World,” pastor and poet Maltbie Babcock wrote of the delight he felt on his frequent outdoor walks, where he was captivated by breathtaking panoramic vistas. Writing of his fascination with the skies, seas, and creatures, he described sensing God’s presence and concluded, “He speaks to me everywhere.”

    Although creation doesn’t have an audible…

    Citizens of Two Worlds

    Believers in Jesus live in two worlds with two citizenships. We have, as Paul said, citizenship in heaven but now we have our citizenships in this world. Some even refer to our current status as that of “resident aliens” because our primary citizenship is not of this world.

    Evangelism in the 21st Century

    If we are to reach today’s generations with the gospel, we must invite them to experience the love and unity that only Jesus Christ can bring.

    Sharing the Gospel? Pray First!

    Jack was a rough-spoken plumber who worked on our church building project several years ago. After he learned I was praying for him, he sometimes asked me to pray for his friends. I prayed daily for seven years for God to draw Jack near and save him.

    One Saturday during my morning devotional time, I was convicted about a need for…